last updated: November 2024

Suppliers' code of conduct

I. ESG Statement

ElevenEs DOO Subotica is registered in Subotica, 35 Tolminska St. (registration No. 21768251, hereinafter referred to as ElevenEs).

ElevenEs was established in 2020 as a spin-off of the Al Pack Group, an aluminum packaging company. The goal behind the project was to use decades of aluminum manufacturing experience and expertise in coating and foil processing, to contribute to the transition to clean energy development and the EU and global climate goals, by creating European battery manufacturing facilities for delivering the latest generation, affordable LFP cells.

ElevenEs opened its Lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) battery R&D laboratory centre in 2021, and in March 2022 registered as an individual company in the Serbian market. Our LFP pilot manufacturing facility with 10MWh capacity was opened in April 2023. Committed to learning and implementing the best solutions and practices, ElevenEs is preparing for the next scale up stage: building and launching Mega factory 1,000MWh capacity in Serbia, Europe.

Our Eleven Es are why we redefine Energy storage principles, Empower people to Explore the unknown, Envision new possibilities and make Ecological decisions. We are a team of Energetic and Empathetic professionals, striving for Excellence in everything we do…

ElevenEs production facilities will produce prismatic LFP battery cell formats and modules, affordable and safe for use with a higher number of cycles, being the optimal choice for our target markets, energy storage systems, industrial applications, and different types of electric vehicles. We intend to have one of the most vertically integrated recycling processes in the industry.

ElevenEs is committed to advancing the highest standards for human rights, social and environmental responsibility and ethics in its governance and therefore expects that its suppliers are committed to the same philosophy and governance.

The Suppliers’ Code of Conduct (hereinafter: Code) is an expression of our principles and values and it is intended for all our supply chain partners. Communicating these values will inevitably help to reach a better common understanding between our companies, which will lead to a strengthening of our business relations. The Code is of utmost importance to our corporate/company governance strategy.

The Suppliers’ Code of Conduct is based on the principles of the Serbian Labour Law, Anti-Money Laundering Law, Occupational Safety and Health Law, ILO Basic Terms and Conditions of Employment, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, European Convention on Human Rights.

II. Application

This Code applies to all suppliers, contractors and subcontractors of goods and services (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Suppliers”).

III. Responsibilities and Sanctions

Suppliers shall observe the provisions of this Code and shall ensure that their operations are not only in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations, but that they also adhere to the internationally recognized sustainability standards listed in the Policy Statement section above. If there are discrepancies between national laws and the terms of the Code, Suppliers must adhere to the higher requirements.

This Code sets specific conditions to evaluate the social, environmental, and ethical performance of our Suppliers and their value chain. ElevenEs may at any time demand that Suppliers complete self-assessments and reserves the right to conduct audits on Suppliers and their value chain regarding compliance to the Supplier Code of Conduct and any agreed upon corrective action plan.

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring compliance throughout their own value chain. In case of non-compliance, including withholding audit rights or failing to meet any agreed upon commitment, ElevenEs reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately withholding the right to claim damages and/or to initiate a procedure at competent authorities to establish any responsibility for wrongdoing.

IV. Labor and Human Rights

ElevenEs acknowledges potential and real risks related to labour, human rights and occupational health and safety issues associated with the energy storage and batteries manufacturing sector. ElevenEs’ responsibility is to identify, prevent, mitigate, and address these risks throughout our supply chain.

1. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

Suppliers shall respect the basic right of employees to freely and without interference or retaliation establish and join unions or employee representation and collectively bargain.

2. Forced Labour

Suppliers shall ensure that they do not engage in any form of forced, bonded, compulsory, trafficked, modern slavery or non-voluntary labour.

Suppliers shall provide all employees with a written contract that clearly conveys the conditions of the employment in a language understood by them and shall provide for their social insurance in the cases defined by the law. Suppliers shall only employ workers who are legally entitled to work in the country. Suppliers shall not impose unreasonable restrictions on movement within the workplace or upon entering or exiting company-provided facilities. Suppliers shall not withhold employee’s original identification or travel documents.

Workers shall never be required to pay the Supplier or agent a fee or cost for uniforms, personal protective equipment or other expenses needed for employment. If such fees are found to have been paid by workers, such fees shall be repaid to the worker.

3. Child labour and young workers

Child labour is not tolerated in any form. Suppliers shall not directly or indirectly employ children below the minimum age of 15, unless exceptions under ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138 Article 6-7 apply. Suppliers should have a child labour policy and a plan for remediation if applicable. If a child is found working at a site associated with a Supplier, all remedial actions taken must be in the best interest of the child. It is of the highest importance to always protect children from being forced into harmful work.

Suppliers shall not require juvenile workers to work overtime or perform night-time work. Never use child labour, including but not exclusively by complying with the Convention 182 Worst Forms of Child Labour of the ILO.

4. Wages and Benefits

Suppliers shall comply with applicable regulations related to wages, working time, working conditions, occupational safety and health, protective equipment, physically demanding work, and medical surveillance. Suppliers shall pay wages and benefits at a minimum according to applicable laws, industry standards and relevant collective agreements, whichever is highest. The level of wages shall reflect the level of skills and qualifications of regular working time regardless of gender. Overtime should be paid according to local regulation. Suppliers shall pay accurate wages in a timely manner, and wage deductions shall not be used as a disciplinary measure.

5. Non-Discrimination

Suppliers shall not discriminate based on race, colour, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status, protected genetic information or marital status in hiring and employment practices unless such distinction is required by local law.

6. Working Hours

Suppliers shall ensure that a regular working week is in accordance with the provisions of ILO 1 Hours of Work Convention. Overtime should be voluntary and be restricted to the specifications defined in ILO conventions. Suppliers must give breaks, annual paid leave and one day off every week unless collective agreement defines exceptions.

7. Harassment and Mobbing

The employees shall be treated with full respect of their dignity.

There shall be no harsh and inhumane treatment including any sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of workers, nor the threat of any such treatment.

V. Health and Safety

1. Occupational Health and Safety Management

Suppliers shall obtain, keep current, and comply with all required health and safety regulations. Suppliers shall provide and maintain a safe work environment and integrate sound health and safety management practices into their business. Workers shall have the right to refuse unsafe work and to report unhealthy working conditions.

Suppliers shall identify, evaluate, and manage occupational health and safety hazards through a prioritized process of hazard elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and/or personal protective equipment.

Suppliers shall provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent workplace accidents and injuries. Occupational exposure to potential safety hazards and emergency situations shall be controlled through proper design, risk assessment, engineering controls, safe work procedures, emergency plans and response procedures, and mandatory training. Suppliers should implement a Health & Safety Management System, including accident and near accident reporting.

Facilities and onsite accommodation for employees must safeguard individuals’ dignity, hygiene, and safety. Their conditions must comply with national laws and international health and safety standards.

VI. Environment

As a spin-off from one of the fastest growing companies in the region, ElevenEs builds on the sustainable interaction with man and nature. We continuously assess our processes, and our suppliers play a critical role in achieving our environmental and circularity ambitions.

1. Environmental Responsibility and Management Systems

Suppliers shall maintain an effective environmental policy and environmental management system, consistent with local regulation and ISO 14001 or EMAS, that promotes environmental responsibility and enables continuous improvement of their environmental performance and impact. ElevenEs reserves the right to ask for evidence of, and the possibility to audit, the environmental management system.

2. Resource Efficiency

Suppliers shall control and implement actions to reduce their use of energy, water, raw material and should strive to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

3. Emissions and Waste Handling

Suppliers shall control and implement actions to reduce emissions to air, water and waste of all types. Waste handling management for hazardous and non-hazardous material must be developed and monitored.

4. Life Cycle and Circularity

Suppliers shall provide information regarding their carbon footprint and calculation methodology. In addition, Suppliers shall assist ElevenEs in the evaluation of the products and services they delivered, including all data to evaluate life cycle assessment as well as end of life scenarios to follow. Suppliers should strive to reduce the impact of their operations from a circularity perspective. Prioritise recycling over disposal whenever it is safely and
economically possible, and in any case in compliance with the European Battery Regulation ((EU) 2023/1542) regarding batteries and waste batteries2. Communicate to ElevenEs all necessary information regarding the presence of hazardous substances (according to international chemicals management regulations) and Substances of very high concern according to REACH (EC/1907/2006) more than 0.1% (v/v) in the components / items supplied to ElevenEs.

Our Environmental Requirements can be found in Annex A.

VII. Ethics

ElevenEs has a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion, money laundering, and embezzlement. Suppliers shall adhere and reject all corrupt practices, including but not limited to facilitation of payments and receipt of improper gifts. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their employees, subcontractors, and other representatives comply with the Anti-corruption Policy when acting in relation to, or on behalf of ElevenEs.

Personal interest or relationships shall not influence Suppliers in decision making. Suppliers shall be proactive in managing potential conflicts of interest in collaboration with ElevenEs. All business dealings should be transparently performed and accurately reflect Suppliers’ financial records. Standards of fair business, advertising and competition should be upheld. Suppliers shall provide notification to ElevenEs of counterfeit product(s) when warranted. Suppliers are expected to provide their employees with ways for raising legal or ethical issues or concerns without fear of retaliation.

1. Privacy

Suppliers shall comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted, and shared. Suppliers shall commit to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone they do business with.

2. Intellectual Property

Intellectual property rights are to be respected; transfer of technology and know-how is to be done in a manner that protects intellectual property rights.

VIII. Management System and Implementation of the Suppliers Code of Conduct

ElevenEs encourages Suppliers to continuously improve the management systems related to the areas described in this Code. A successful implementation of the Code requires risk assessments, implemented policies, processes and routines, clearly communicated roles and responsibilities, relevant training and instructions, establishment and performance evaluation of measurable goals, and well-functioning control systems.

The CEO of ElevenEs is responsible for reviewing this Code on a regular basis and proposing updates or amendments as deemed necessary.

A suspected breach of this Code shall be reported to the CEO at ElevenEs or via ElevenEs’ Whistleblowing system in accordance with ElevenEs’ Whistleblowing Guidelines.

Annex A of Supplier Code of Conduct