last updated: August 2024
Environmental policy
ElevenEs if fully committed to being an environmentally and socially responsible battery manufacturing industry leader. ElevenEs is developing its business in full compliance with Serbian and European regulation, according to the highest industry environmental protection standards. Its employees are well informed about the company’s policies and are expected to be both environmentally and socially responsible employees, and responsible citizens.
ElevenEs was established in 2021 as a spin-off of the Al Pack Group, an aluminum packaging company. The goal behind the project was to use decades of aluminum manufacturing experience and expertise in coating and foil processing, and to contribute to the development of the clean energy sector, the EU and the global climate goals by creating European battery manufacturing facilities.
ElevenEs opened its lithium-ion (LFP) battery R&D laboratory center in March 2022, and its LFP pilot manufacturing facility with 10MWh capacity, in April 2023. From the very inception, the company measures its resource consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in order to set up benchmarks for setting ambitious GHG targets when it scales up its production to 1GWh in 2025. ElevenEs’s goals are: to excel in efficient resource management, to set innovative, game-changing production processes, and eventually to set up net-zero emissions battery production facilities.
In its environmental journey, ElevenEs is:
– Ensuring its operations are meeting, and when possible, exceeding national environmental requirements.
– Monitoring, measuring and controlling emissions, discharges and local pollution in its facilities.
– Setting up its procurement practices to be driven by the lowest possible Scope 3 GHG emissions by requiring its suppliers to disclose and, when possible, reduce their emissions.
– Developing advanced recycling facilities in order to minimize environmental and climate impacts from extraction of raw materials used for manufacturing of its products, thereby contributing to the European circular economy goals.
– Setting up the production to comply with the EU’s Battery Regulation ((EU) 2023/1542).
– In process of creating environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)1 for the Mega factory, and plans Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) by Q1 2025.
Current efforts of collecting data, setting up the monitoring methodology and recycling facilities, are aimed towards enabling accurate and efficient data collection when full operations begin in 2025, as well as towards setting ambitious KPIs to further clean up the production and minimize potential environmental impacts.
The company is currently working on collecting data in the following categories: 1) Energy, 2) GHG and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, 3) Waste and 4) Water.2 Table summary of ElevenEs Environmental data for 2023. is given in the Annex 1 of this document.
ElevenEs is using renewable energy for its production. Its facilities are equipped with rooftop photovoltaics (PV), as well as all future facilities are designed to reap benefits of solar energy. ElevenEs will be compliant with the EU’s Solar Mandate, under the EU’s Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD, (EU) 2024/1275), even though Serbia, where facilities are located, is not a member of the European Union yet. For the rest of the electricity consumption, the company currently procures Guarantees of Origin (GOs) from Serbia’s Transmission System Operator. Long-term, with the scale up of the production, ElevenEs is looking to sign Power Purchasing Agreements (PPA), to ensure that the electricity delivered to its facility is renewable, not only on the life-cycle basis, but also to match real-time production hours.
GHG emissions
ElevenEs contracted external experts to develop a model for assessing the company’s GHG emissions on the life-cycle basis, and develop a proprietary life-cycle assessment (LCA) model for the company. The goal of this exercise is to: 1) understand emission hotspots and identify areas of improvement; 2) understand what actions need to be taken and policies established in order to permanently minimize emissions of GHGs; 3) help set environmental requirements and data disclosure for 3rd party suppliers, and 4) have a benchmark in order to set ambitious but attainable KPIs and emissions reduction pathway that will lead the company to net-zero emissions battery production.
Scope 3 (the company’s upstream value chain) accounts for the largest share of the overall ElevenEs LFP Edge battery cell CO2 footprint, placing the company’s supply chain management and raw materials procurement strategy at the center of its GHG emissions reduction initiative. To this end, ElevenEs is proactively working on localizing the entire value chain in the region, leveraging local access to critical battery raw materials that are currently under development, as well as building a comprehensive list of battery materials suppliers. This list comprises over 650 suppliers, allowing ElevenEs to closely monitor key developments in the upstream value chain regarding the sustainability of these materials and to be selective in their procurement.
Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
VOC emissions in ElevenEs are under the regulatory limits at the pilot line. ElevenEs is contracting an independent laboratory to develop a full methodology to track Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions. The 10MWh manufacturing was opened in April2023, thus the first full year of data is only to come, and the data will be reported for 2024 in January 2025.
Our facilities produce both hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
The waste produced in facilities is managed according to Serbia’s Waste Law3, which is aligned with the EU’s Regulation on Shipment of Waste ((EU) 1013/2006), and Directive on Waste (2008/98/EC).
ElevenEs sends plastic, paper and cardboard to appropriate recycling companies. These materials are not a result of the production, but are being used for general operations in the company. Scrap aluminum resulting from the production of aluminum foil and cell cases, and scrap copper, are currently being safely stored due to relatively small volumes. When the production scales up – and with it the volume of the aluminum discarded – the scrap will be sold to recycling facilities.
ElevenEs aims to minimize use of raw materials. For the production waste, ElevenEs is establishing recycling facilities in parallel with building the battery Mega factory. The laboratory for R&D of advanced recycling processes of battery waste will be established in 2025, and in 2026 will have a full recycling pilot facility.
Besides “traditional waste” that has been recycled, ElevenEs, with its commitment to the circular economy, is going to repurpose 75% of the construction waste and use it for building its future facility, the 1GWh Mega factory. This waste will also be used for building the new regional road bypass around the city of Subotica, where ElevenEs is located.
ElevenEs chemical management is aligned with the Serbian Chemical Law4, which is harmonized with the EU’s REACH Regulation ((EC) 1907/2006). The list of hazardous chemicals used in the production is listed in Annex 1 below.
ElevenEs still tracks its consumption for when the Mega factory operations start, as the industrial consumption of water will increase in multifolds. To be more energy efficient, ground water from ElevenEs wells will be used for cooling systems. The company is planning on developing a wastewater treatment for reuse purposes. The exact numbers about the scale-up of the consumption will be tracked, and reported in the following years, as the production grows.
ElevenEs will continue to collect the data and report it annually. The management will regularly review the company’s policy, and continue to strive to improve its practices, ensuring they are aligned with the highest global environmental standards.